Shooting Hoaxes96 Videos


Buffalo HOAX Live “Shooting”

This is better made than the NZ hoax, but it is still a hoax. At first I thought it was real, but the telltale signs are always there. At the 6:33 mark (the same moment as the video still image) he has reloaded and pointed the gun directly at someone’s head on the ground and […]
parkland dupe

Parkland Shooting Hoax

The “shooting” in Parkland FL at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School has the hallmarks of fraud such as duping delight, spectacle, and an active shooter drill taking place at the same time.

We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook

“We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook” is like no other Sandy Hook documentary. The closest match in terms of the depths to which it delves is the PBS documentary, “Raising Adam Lanza.” The many videos independently produced and mostly found on YouTube are meaningful when taken as a whole, but none individually are as […]
face comp

Sandy Hook Propagandists are Child Abusers

There is a disturbing trend taking place right now on YouTube. It involves children making videos about the Sandy Hook event. These children appear to be receiving a second dose of trauma. We’ve been collecting the videos, hoping to find the thread that connects them to a deliberate campaign. It does seem to be an […]