Sandy Hook37 Videos

Wanna Learn Who Did Sandy Hook?
One of my personal favorites from Peter Klein of TyrannyNewsNetwork and Independent Media Solidarity.
Sandy Hook CROOKS
Another gem from the MAN Barry Soetoro.
CNN Posts 100 Sandy Hook Videos in 1 Hour!
If you don’t think the media is part and parcel to fraud…
The UN-DEAD of Sandy Hook – Allison Wyatt
Trademark ThinkOutsideTheTV prodution
The UN-DEAD of Sandy Hook – Josephine Gay
Trademark ThinkOutsideTheTV prodution
Sandy Hook Hoax – Victoria Soto Alive
Victoria Soto is alive and well in Florida.
Sandy Hook Hoax HD Chopper
Can anyone make any sense of any of these actions, or see any kids?
Sandy Hook Hoax – Years in the Making
Years in the making!
Shady A$$ Hook Actors
The Great Sandy Hook Hoax!
Sandy Hook Firehouse Zombies
If you can make sense of anything in this video, let us all know!
Adam Lanza – Crisis Actor
Found alive delivering a flat fake phony eulogy for his fake dead sister Christina Grimmie, with a grown man unable to contain himself just behind the paid liar.
Sandy Hook Hoax FAKE Sloppy Sniper is David Wheeler
Sandy Hook FAKE SNIPER dives behind a car — then RUNS AWAY on ABCNEWS! Watch Hollywood actor, David Wheeler, DIVE for cover — ducking ABCNEWS on the SCHOOL DRIVEWAY! David Wheeler played 2 roles in the Newtown CT “school shooting.”Wheeler role #1 was SLOPPY SNIPER (Fake FBI Sniper) with NO FIREARMS TRAINING. Wheeler role #2 […]
Sandy Hook GAME OVER: 100% Hoax
Video is journalist “Barry Soetoro” interviewed by Jim Fetzer.
Sandy Hook ‘Victims’ Are All Alive and Well
A well done Idaho Picker production.
Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax Victims Were Never Born
An original ThinkOutsideTheTV production, a censored YouTube channel.
Unraveling Sandy Hook
The Sofia Smallstorm documentary that started it all.
Sandy Hook Hoax Actions!
A Message of Truth to the Sandy Hook Kids Who Didn’t Die in The Great Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax Fraud.
Crime in Corrupticut 2012 – part II
The Great Sandy Hook Hoax Fraud – CT State Police Crime Report 2012 Shows Zero Rifle Deaths in Newtown or Fairfield County.
Sandy Hook Propagandists are Child Abusers
There is a disturbing trend taking place right now on YouTube. It involves children making videos about the Sandy Hook event. These children appear to be receiving a second dose of trauma. We’ve been collecting the videos, hoping to find the thread that connects them to a deliberate campaign. It does seem to be an […]
Sandy Hook Hoax – Sun Shadow Analysis
Video still images of the Sandy Hook shooting are used to disprove the media lie using Sun Shadow Analysis.
Sandy Hook and The Boston Bombing – You’re Being Hoodwinked
An analysis of the connections between Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon ‘bombing’. Both of these incidents become very revealing examples of government fabrication and manipulation of the ‘news’. Induction of corporate controlled media into the circle of government control, has made corporate media into a shameless vehicle for attempting to control the thoughts of […]
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook
“We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook” is like no other Sandy Hook documentary. The closest match in terms of the depths to which it delves is the PBS documentary, “Raising Adam Lanza.” The many videos independently produced and mostly found on YouTube are meaningful when taken as a whole, but none individually are as […]
Crime in Corrupticut 2012
The Great Sandy Hook Hoax Fraud – Connecticut State Police Crime Report 2012 Shows ZERO Rifle Deaths in Newtown or Fairfield County.