New Zealand Hoax – Imam Likes Red Soda Pop In A Time Of Crisis!
Check out the Imam carrying the bottle of red liquid, the other covered in red liquid. Blood is THICK, messy, heavy, a very deep red, very hard to mimic. What else is wrong with this picture? Perhaps the emergency tape? I’m not from NZ, but it seems to me crime scene tape is far more appropriate. Regardless, we have police emergency tape up, but no police, and no emergency services personnel, ZERO trauma personnel. The Christchurch shooting is yet another in a long list of shooting hoax frauds. It is honestly amazing how little is needed to fool the public, and how little politicians and mainstream media think of average folks- we aren’t worth the Truth. I’m putting this post up in support of 153News.net, who like me several years ago, was also censored over the PHONY FUCKING CHRISTCHURCH SHOOTING WHERE EXACTLY NOBODY DIED. FUCK OFF SCUMBAGS, ENEMIES OF TRUTH AND THE PEOPLE!

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