False Flag Hoaxes9 Videos

Sandy Hook and The Boston Bombing – You’re Being Hoodwinked
An analysis of the connections between Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon ‘bombing’. Both of these incidents become very revealing examples of government fabrication and manipulation of the ‘news’. Induction of corporate controlled media into the circle of government control, has made corporate media into a shameless vehicle for attempting to control the thoughts of […]
New Zealand Mosque Shooting HOAX Livestream
The most damning piece of evidence has to be the clearly planted gun cartridge as he enters the building. It is unmistakable, clearly there before he arrives, then he returns to pick it up and use it. Still, ask yourself why you don’t see the concrete or drywall wall explode with the gun pointed and […]
New Zealand Hoax – Imam Likes Red Soda Pop In A Time Of Crisis!
Check out the Imam carrying the bottle of red liquid, the other covered in red liquid. Blood is THICK, messy, heavy, a very deep red, very hard to mimic. What else is wrong with this picture? Perhaps the emergency tape? I’m not from NZ, but it seems to me crime scene tape is far more […]
Phony Trials for Phony False Flags Need Phony Courtrooms
Phony shootings require fake trials in fake courtrooms.
Tattooed White Infidel B-Roll Director Manhandles Imam at New Zealand Mosque Shooting Hoax!
Since WHEN is it OK to put your hands on any religious figure, let alone a tattooed white infidel manhandling the Imam in the New Zealand Mosque Shooting HOAX? When you are the B-Roll Director, that’s when! Or maybe even the star of the show? Could it be that we are actually looking at the […]